Cost/Profit Centers Tab

#1 Cost/Profit Centers Tab


The tab 'Cost/Profit' is available only if the template has at least one of the two management flags C.C/P.C.

The 'Cost/Profit' Tab is dedicated to the cost/profit center management of the economic data found in records: according to the template settings there is a section, the other or both ( in this case with two options: in case of 'Separate Management CC/PC' both of them have to get a value simultaneously otherwise the procedure assigns the amount just to one of the two sections, the costs charged on the costs centers and the profits on the profit centers). If the option 'Machine Management' is active, a costs/profit valorization grid of the company vehicles is available.

Data uploading in the CC/PDC sections can be automatized (for manual records directly in the accounting) in two ways:  through the assignment in the chart of accounts, on the costs/profit detail accounts and related percentage valorization, or in the customer/vendors register, always in percentage (in this case all the economic detail account inserted in the records are valorized in the same way). The priority of valorization is set within the general accounting parameters.

Manual edits to the calculated amounts are allowed as well as a manual insert of line: in the second case the procedure automatically suggests the  amounts to cover, detail account by detail account, the total movement of the account by reporting the same date-range of competence. It is important to notice that the adjustment and integration procedures provide also for the adjustment of movements assigned to a cost/profit centre. 

While saving the record the application shows a mask with all valorization differences details, blocking the saving operations if it is set in the current template.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions. The list of features is the following: 

SaveButton to save the record.
New RecordButton to create a new record.
Insertion ParametersIt refers to the Insertion Parameters of the first note.
Open RegisterButton to recall the register- management of the selected detail account or the search of another register.
Delete Selected Cost CentersButton to delete the selected cost centers.
Delete Selected Profit CentersButton to delete the selected profit centers.
Expand/CollapseButton to shrink the visualization just to the cost or profit center, and the other way around that is expand the visualization to both elements.
Document ManagerButton to manage the connection with the document management.

BuildDate : 23 luglio 2013

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